“Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.
The Self-Compassion 101 Course
Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to success - individually and organizationally - is the Self-Critical Voice. That incessant hum going on in our heads that constantly evaluates and ranks other people and ourselves. And when that voice is directed inwardly, we can really do a number on ourselves.
Some examples of that ongoing hum? (and they might sound familiar)...
“I’m too much”
I’m not enough”
“If only others really knew”,
“How are they judging me?”
“Am I an imposter?”
These ruminations can take up tremendous energy and attention and, over time, can corrode efficiency and drain organizational energy.
When we react from this small, contracted place, caught in self-judgment, we’re cut off from our full intelligence and creativity, trapped in limiting beliefs and distorted actions. Imagine if your organization were freed from the collective self-critical voice, how much more energy and creativity would be released.
I support organizations and their members by helping cultivate the skill of Self-Compassion. Through the Self-Compassion 101 course, attendees learn how to loosen the grip of the self-critical voice. And when the self-judgment lifts, we begin to see ourselves and others in new and creative ways.
Research shows that staff with greater self-compassion can lead to clearer communications, more effective action, and smoother-running teams.
I invite you to reach out to learn more about how Self-Compassion 101 can help you and your team.